Hello guys,
In this arricle i will tell you about Enlte Project,,Enlte is a  decentralized blockchain based system to solve real life problems without going
through a centralised government or an organisation. A location based social engine
creating an adjustable small world phenomenon with faster and better networking
capabilities. It aims to empower individuals by giving them the power to rate any
experience using their original identities or rating anonymously and then broadcasting
it to their nearby network by sending real-time updates and geo-stamping it along
with geofencing the experience. Negative experiences are broadcasted in real time to
the nearby nodes, providing them the opportunity to earn enlte coins by helping,
spreading awareness and standing up against it. The main aim is to empower every
single individual by creating a power platform where a user can upload pictures,
videos, ask questions to notify and create a strong awareness in their respective
areas. The more one is aware about the happenings around him or her, the more one
is active and vigilant to take action and make their communities a better and safe
place to live.Enlte

Decentralization means the network operates on a user-to-user (or
peer-to-peer) basis. And blockchain is a shared immutable ledger for
recording the history of transactions. In enlte, decentralized blockchain
based database to verify each and every rating,post & transaction on the
platform. A blockchain of hashes of the data is created and then broadcasted to all nodes for verification. So, there is no change of error
in recorded data/transaction in blockchain technology. In other words, we
can say “a decentralized blockchain helps to guarantee the validity of a
transaction by recording it not only on a main server, but connected
distributed nodes, all of which are connected through a secure validation
mechanism.” Here nodes are said to mining the coin & together they
create a powerful second-level network. Below are the main steps in
blockchain technology:
1) New data hash is broadcast to all nodes.
2) Each node collects new transactions into a block.
3) Each node works on validating the block.
4) When a node validates, it broadcasts the block to all nodes.
5) Nodes accept the block only if all transactions in it are valid and not
already spent.
7) Nodes express their acceptance of the block by working on creating
the next block in the chain, using the hash of the accepted block as the
previous hash.
8) Voting is done to make sure each and every node has same
information with them.
9) Faulty or error votes are handled with keeping a database of not
matched votes with updating reputation system of the nodes.

Enlte as a decentralised socionet helps in building connections among the society and creates a better trust management in the network. Social Internet is the future, an internet that could work beyond the first dimension and can provide us better results, connectivity and trust. A social internet is a term proposed for an internet of computers with social characteristics. Socionet is a network of computers with characteristics of location-based small world network and social communication. It is fast, better and has amazing networking capabilities. A platform with networking capabilities beyond the first dimension can change how the world operates. enlte proposes and aims to create a social internet with creating a network with real people behind the network and securing it with blockchain other than just computers or ip addresses as compared to the traditional internet. The location-based small world network and socionet can connect us physically with each other. Small world networks are powerful because of their faster interconnectivity and participation of each and every node.
The Internet has billions of website and it is very easy for you to gather any information through that but there is no security and a surety that the given information is correct or not. Internet lacks in many senses for example trust and accurate information. As you don’t have the personal data or any kind of information about the other user or network. The internet is the largest networking platform it connects billions of people but not physically, to trust our Internet of things with a network we need to connect it with a social internet other than the traditional internet. Things can get deleted from the internet at any point but it cannot be deleted from a socionet as once anything is updated on blockchain it cannot be removed. Socionet connects you personally, physically and is the real connection that the other person can feel you. Enlte
Advantages of Enlte as a Decentralised Socionet
  • It is location-based social platform
  • It is totally decentarlised based system
  • Location-based small world social internet
  • Proposes a universal identity
  • Artificial intelligent Internal Reputation System
  • It provides accurate information about each and every user.
  • Fewer chances of online crime and fraud
  • Creates trust among the society
  • Helpful for the society and for the government also

So,if you interest to join in Enlte project,you can go to the link :

Enlte Website :ENLTE Web
Enlte ANN Thread : Bitcointalk Thread
Enlte Facebook Page : Enlte Facebook
Enlte Twitter :Enlte Twitter
Telegram Group : Enlte

Bitcointalk Profile URL :Bayoe_noe


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